Monday, February 2, 2015

When Life's a Snow Globe

I miss this. The blank white rectangle with a blinking cursor asking me what I did and how it felt. So, I'm back to answer it...

I have quite a bit to fill in about my running life and my fitness in general. It seems overwhelming when I think about what I would like to write about, so I will start with yesterday. I ran 3.2 miles with Alex, Kenda, and Cinder. It was snowing the whole time. It was like being in a snow globe and I loved it. There is something to be said about running in the rain or snow. It can be miserable at times, but it never fails to make me feel...something. Tough. Strong. Athletic. Good. Powerful. I get a mix of those when I run in rain/snow. I was very careful not to slip (I slipped back in April during a trail race and I'm still feeling the impact that had on my hamstring - post to come). The pups did great and it was fun to run as a family on a snowy Sunday morning. I wish I would have taken some pictures. One of my goals this year is to be better about taking photos (I have a post on this coming as well).

I felt so good about accomplishing a run. I would encourage anyone to not allow weather to deter them from accomplishing a workout. Today with the extra snow and the freezing temps I will probably be inside completing a PIYO workout (another post to come). Next time it snows, go for a run or a brisk walk and see if you agree with me on the 'something' feeling it gives you. Be careful not to slip! A run can turn into a life sized snow globe experience and its awesome.

I ran 10 miles on Saturday. That happened too. Because there was no snow it was less significant. Still, 10 miles is 10 miles and it was my longest run since completing the Goofy Challenge in Disney World earlier this month (yet another post to come). I kept about 9:20 pace which is about a minute faster per mile than I have been running in all recent training. I was working to keep it and I know I have a lot of working to do to reach my goals. Here's to working in February and the rest of 2015!

So there you go, white rectangle. See you soon!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nickel Creek

I went to the Nickel Creek concert tonight with my sister, Alex, and a friend. It was incredible. I have wanted to see them live since I was in high school. They used to play in Bloomington at the Blue Bird, but I was never old enough to go when they were there. Every year I was at IU I would check the Blue Bird schedule hoping that they would be on it.

Finally the stars aligned and I was able to see them (in Indy). And they did not disappoint. Their voices are amazing and their instrumental skills are beyond impressive. What you get is a better version of their recorded songs. I am surprised that I feel this way because I usually don't like live music. I haven't experienced that much, but I usually feel like its more of a show and the music is better from the album. Not this time. Being in the same room as them, hearing and seeing them make every bit of the music right before my eyes, was captivating. I was totally taken in by it and I began to feel myself growing jealous of them. They get to do that for a living, every day. I know they worked hard to get where they are...don't get me wrong. They just get to work doing something they love with a passion.

People in creative positions such as musicians or writers fascinate me. Maybe it is because I feel like deep down I am an artsy hipster who could write a book if I really wanted to. Or maybe it is because I don't have a creative job. You cannot twist my job into a creative one unless you use the example of how I have to be creative when interacting with clients so that they remain happy. That just doesn't cut it. *I worked hard to get where I'm at too, and I'm blessed. It just isn't as appealing as the thought of rocking out on the mandolin every night.

Regardless, if you know of Nickel Creek and like their music - try to see them live if you ever get a chance! If progressive-blue-grassy-folk music sounds good to you, check them out! Whenever they come back to Indy, I will be there! If they ever play the Blue Bird again, I will be old enough ;)

Tonight I was inspired to be creative.

And I ran 1 mile. It was a hot one. Cinder Ella accompanied me :) 4 miles tomorrow. And Thai buffet. That is all.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Back to back 5k's

That's right. Running 3.2, 2 days in a row. I have a concert tomorrow night (Nickel Creek) so I am going to try to get in a couple miles during the day. My job allows for that, baller status. I did some lifting and strength training during lunch today.

Seriously not much to report from the run. It was pretty nice. Lots of people were out walking, running, playing with their dogs, and enjoying the spring weather. It is good to see people out being active.

I am happy to be running again. There is a smoothness that I don't quite have yet, but it will come. I'm giving it time.

I am planning a 6 mile run (more like a jog probably) on Saturday, so all this is build up to that. Every Saturday will be my long run of the week. I'll be in the double digits in no time. :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Back at it...A fresh start

After about 5 months of doing a whole lot of nothing, I am back at it. I thought I was going to change blogs because it made me sad to see all the running I did in 2011 and the abrupt end to that, but writing here will be better. I change my mind a lot.

It will be slow going at the start, but muscle memory will prevail.

3.2 miles tonight, my favorite short out and back on the Monon.

After the run, week 1 has begun!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Brand New Level of Pain

I ran a full marathon. More to come, but I just wanted to put that out on the interwebz.

It was worth every step.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Run with Alec Baldwin...

...just kidding! :) But I did spend the weekend in the Hamptons (where Alec Baldwin has a home). I ran twice during my trip. One 4 mile run with Alex and one 8 mile solo run. Both were great! The Hamptons, particularly East Hampton, is a beautiful place. What with its cedar shingled homes, luscious gardens, Harry-Potter-book-4 sized hedges, and all-around outdoorsy glamour, running in the Hamptons trumps all other runs I have ever been on, manicured hands down! Ok, in all honesty, the first time I ever visited the Hamptons I thought it would be do I say it....uppity. It was not. It really isn't. It is a relaxing slice of Heaven on earth...go there, run there, relax there.

While I was running I did imagine seeing Alec Baldwin out for a run and what I would say if he just happened to ask little ol' me if he could run with me. I won't go into the details of my fan-girl response, but I will say that along with Tom Hanks and Stanley Tucci, (and Stan Lee), and Ryan Gosling, and Morgan Freeman, and Steve Carrel, and Leo....Alec Baldwin sits in a nice 8th place on my short list of male celebrities that I would love to meet.

Alas, we did not run together. Sorry if I got your hopes up!

More runnin' to come. I'm in major training mode.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Finally in the swing of things!

It only took looking at a couple of the running blogs I used to read daily to get my fingers itching for the keyboard (and a fresh post on So, here I am!

I am training! WHO-RAY! It is about time! I am deep into week 5 actually, and feeling better every day! Enough exclamation points...

I signed up for the Monumental Marathon, which is November 2 this fall. I am doing the full marathon. I did not buy the insurance on my registration - I'm doing it. I must say that right now I have mixed feelings. I am excited about the possibilities and I am also worried about potential injuries, the long runs, the time commitment... Regardless, I am in this thing and I am not going to half-butt it. I am going to whole-butt it (I never understood this saying). Weeks 1-4 were relatively light weeks to re-acclamate my body to running again. I am about to crank it up...I have 5 days in a row to run this week (Monday-Friday). I will update my blog along the way!